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Tous les programmes proposés dans notre catalogue nécessitent l'utilisation du Pack Office Microsoft version 2010 minimum ou version Supérieure (Sauf contre-indication sur les programmes).
Excel-Concept ne peut garantir leur bon fonctionnement sur Open Office, Libre Office ou Office Starter.
Excel Barcode Generator
This pack allows you to obtain a macro-complementary allowing you to create all types of bar codes in Excel (EAN13, EAN8, UPC-A, Code 3 of 9, all types of bar code 128).
What is a macro-complementary? It is a file containing programming macros which can be added very easily in Excel. So concerning this pack, you can benefit from all barcode macros, without knowing anything about Excel macro programming. What is more, this additional file is not included in a single file but in the Excel software. As a result, you can generate barcodes in any of your excel files without having to insert this or that macro each time.
In short, the CodeBarre add-in allows you to generate bar codes of all types in any Excel file without having any knowledge of visual basic Excel macro programming and without having to handle complex calculation formulas. (Installation instructions supplied with this pack).
All programs can be modified on request, use the contact tab.
Mac and Windows compatible